Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Time for New Beginnings

Not that the people of the World Wide Web have been missing out on anything, but I haven't posted anything on my blog in quite some time. To be perfectly honest I've just been dealing with a number of things in my personal life that just didn't have me wanting to put pen to paper (or fingers to keys, in this case).

For the sake of those reading my blog here's the gist. My wedding that was to take place in October never happened. Heather postponed the wedding 90 days prior to the actual event and after discussing our situation the decision was made to just split up. It's been quite the roller coaster from the beginning but I'm starting to feel like the last drop, loop and curve has been completed and I'm ready to step off this ride. I've been bitter, confused, mad at myself, mad at her, mad at other people, depressed, happy, optimistic, pessimistic, you name it I've felt it. I hope Heather finds herself and what she's looking for. Meanwhile, I'm ready to get myself back on track. I've been focusing on myself lately and it's been good. Aside from this aspect of my life I've been busy doing other things too.

I'm still working for Sogeti and although I've been up and down about things with them at times, I'm enjoying it right now and hoping to do some traveling around the U.S. whenever other offices need some help. I'm working to get and keep myself in shape. I've been more consistent with getting to the gym and taking care of my body. I've started running again and even signed up for a 5k run next weekend.

I spent some time in Ohio the latter part of this past year. I was back home for about two weeks in October and two more weeks at the end of December. I'm not sure why I took so much time to just go back to Ohio instead of actually taking a vacation, but I think it's been good for me to be around family.

Alright, this is becoming way more than the simple posting I intended it to be. The fact is, I'm hoping to start writing more in my blog. I'm actually working on a write up about a hike I took this past weekend with some buddies. Keep an eye out for it because some of the pictures look really awesome.

Take Care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jared,
Your mom sent me your blogspot so I'm visiting it :) I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well and concentrating on yourself! You are an awesome young man and God has the perfect plan for your life! We miss you!! Love and Hugs,
Brenda Clark